Remember Sledge Hammer? Wow, that was a great show. Sledge was one of the greatest cops on TV for a while, and what man didn't have a crush on the lovely Dori Doreau? Sledge Hammer is widely recognised as one of the most realistic police shows on TV, and was acclaimed for telling it how it really is for a cop. In fact it was so realistic it took me until season 2 before I realised it wasn't a reality show about an average American cop, going about his daily business. And then someone told me it was supposed to be comedy, and I lost interest.
Trivia Q: Which British pop legend of the early 80s did a cameo? (Er, not George Michael.) First correct answer receives a... erm... beer mat.
That would Michael Des Barres. And I agree, Sledge Hammer WAS great. So great, in fact, that every time I see David Rasche I shout: "SLEDGE HAMMER!"
Sorry Ray, the guy I'm thinking of was WAY bigger than Michael Des Barres in the pop legend stakes.
So, you got it wrong!
No, I'm not. I'm very sure I'm correct. In fact, you could say I'm adamant. Ahem.
Adamant you may well be, Ray, but you're still wrong. The correct answer is......... Adam Ant!
Er... oh yeah.
Hey, you don't really want another beer mat, do you? How about... an ARC of King of the Road?!
Nah, I don't want another beer mat - I got loads, can't move for the fuckers... Oooh, but a King Of The Road ARC, that'd be sweet. I'm itching to read it.
That, or a cassette of Kings of the Wild Frontier.
As great as Adam Ant was in "Sledge Hammer", you simply cannot top Boy George's stupendous cameo in "The A-Team".
Doesn't Sledge Hammer now present "Police, Camera, Action!"?
Especially when he kicked that door open.
Charlie, this is totally off topic, and I feel sure you saw it already, but just in case not:
Jenny - contrary to what people think, I am not some kind of Hoff stalker. My level of Hoff interest is the same as the average person's, I think. So no, I hadn't seen that URL. Thanks!
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