Tuesday, February 09, 2016


I know how hard it is to believe, but I've put some new material out.

What? That guy who used to write? The dude who missed the entirety of 2015 on his blog after hitting every one of the prior ten years? And you're telling me... what are you telling me? That guy wrote something? And put it outWhat is this?

I don't blame you for reacting that way. But it doesn't change the facts... which are these:

It's called LAND OF HOPE AND GLORY AND MONSTERS. It's a novella. It's available for Kindle in all good countries and some shit ones too (as long as the tentacles of Amazon reach them). It's cheap - 99p, 99c or whatever the equivalent is in your preferred currency. It's kind of a new genre for me - alternative history (although you could argue that STAIRWAY TO HELL is also that). It features King Edward VII, A.C. Benson, Edward Elgar and The Old Ones.

Yes, I strayed down an unfamiliar alley when I wrote this one. But that's where my compass took me. Go ahead, Charlie, said the compass. Walk on down that alley. Breathe in the smells, soak up the knocks and spill it all on the page. 

Give it a go if you feel so inclined. UK, USA, Can.

(And if you dig it, please write a review.)