For some reason Deadfolk for Kindle is riding quite high in the German Amazon charts. Maybe it's because it is going for less than a Euro? Maybe it's because the Euro is in trouble and they are trying to convert them all into Deadfolks? Soon Deadfolk will be declared the new Europe-wide currency. They will be talking about throwing Greece out of the Deadfolk. And the Deadfolk-vision Song Contest. Englenbert would win that.
Also some exciting Mangel news coming soon. I mean it this time. (Cough)
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Sprechen sie Mangel?
Monday, May 14, 2012
Madness and delusion
How's it going? Noticed a recent reader review of GRAVEN IMAGE on The reader, Bordeaux Dogue*, gives it a scant two stars but then says "the whole thing is an exercise in madness and delusion". But that's good, right? Delusion and madness are my bag, and if you shy away from that, shy away from my books. To everyone else, embrace the madness! And delusion. And bad language.
In other news, there is no news. I am waiting on some news but it is not here yet, so there is silence. When I have the news, I will tell the world. Or maybe it will never come, and I will spend the rest of my life waiting for it.
* An extinct breed of dog, if I recall from the encyclopaedia of dog breeds I was unaccountably obsessed with as a kid. Although I'm sure it was "Dogue de Bordeaux".
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
True Brit Grit
Please check out True Brit Grit, which is an anthology of British, grittish short stories by some of the writing peeps I love to read. Also one by me called FIVE BAGS OF BILLY, which is set in a kind of Mangelish place.
Proceeds will go to two worthy charities - Children 1st and Francesca Bimpson Foundation. This last one I hadn't heard of, and provides support for victims of serious crime and in memory of a tragically young and innocent victim.
If you're happy to help a couple of good causes - and prepared to get rocked by forty-five tales of mishap and misadventure in old Blighty - check out True Brit Grit in the UK or US.
Congrats and kudos to Paul Brazill and Luca Veste for editing it.