As inspired by the truly remarkable site, I have a new idea for a website. Oh man, it's gonna take off big time. You see, while most guys would love to look like the ole Kenny Boy once they get past a certain age (40?), Ray Banks points out (in the back blogs) a little sticking point...
And I'll fess up here: I'm travelling that same path with him. And once you start down that way there's no turning back (unless you're Elton John).
So, back to my new website idea...
(Confused? American? Go here and guess. The man is an icon. And I don't mean a gay one. (Is he a gay one?))
Here's a few to start with, starting with the man himself:

So it was a wig all along, eh? I knew it.
Um, I think that picture should be filed under Men Who Look Like Ming The Fucking Merciless. And yeah, Al, it's a wig. See how pale my pate is?
Ray, I don't know how that happened. I just started looking for baldy pics and remembered what you said about keeping yr head fluff short as a Krankie. Looks alright though.
From the other side, and I mean, literally the other side.....where it's is not a problem......wish now I'd drank more and that I responded to those who thrashed me books.....mind you.....there's know who you are and what to expect.....and they can expect to be hairless plus.......
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